Youth Worship Wednesday (not currently available)
For a season we are not gathering on Wednesday nights in-person. We do have resources for students to learn, grow, worship and connect with others on our Life Church Student page. Make sure to check out the latest videos from "the loop" and "switch"!
That place was actually dreamed up by a group of students from Life Church that wanted to make a positive difference in the lives of their friends. They worked hard and raised funds to update the main floor of our student ministries building into what is now known as that place. If you ever wondered about the name... we had a "name that place" contest and after sorting through all of the corn inspired and just corny names we decided to go with just "that place". So instead of going to "teen-o-rama" you can now tell everyone you will be at that place.
On Wednesdays we provide a place and
atmosphere where students in grade K-5 and 7-12 can get together with other
students who want to learn about life with God. We won't teach you how to be religious but we will do our best to introduce you to Jesus Christ. Our goal is to help students get to know Him and then live lives that would make Him known to others.
The label that you choose to wear when you tell people where you
go to church or what you believe doesn't matter so much to us. We
welcome the chance to let you "become the church" instead of just going
to church. We love to see students live out the adventure
that God has designed specifically for each of us.
Some real stretching and growing will take place as you take the opportunity to get involved and discover some of your talents and abilities. You might be drawn to areas of Administration, Creativity, Teaching, Prayer, Audio, Video, Web, Lighting, Singing, Playing Instruments, Humor, Acting, Study, Leadership, Service, Mercy, Giving, Building Relationships or Traveling on Missions. Anyone can decide to just float through life and think and do what everyone else seems to be thinking and doing. You might end up somewhere doing something but why not really discover your purpose for living and then really live? If you want to know more about real life with God click here.
Some poeple learn more quickly than others that living only for yourself can be pretty
empty. When you begin to understand the love that God has shown
us through the life that Jesus lived and gave for us, you will see why
all that we have been given is not really to be about us.
To find out what happens around here during the rest of the week, click on the Friday or Life Church links.